Anyone who works with Scala for a while probably used, or at least seen the Future class. Being part of the standard library, Future provides a way how to express asynchronous computation or value. It’s used by many and many popular Scala libraries, such as Apache Spark, Akka or Slick, and the use of Future itself is also pretty easy. But it also comes with some drawbacks, caused mainly by its design. This blog post summarizes the most common pitfals and introduces Monix Task as more powerful and robust alternative.

1 What’s wrong with Future?

Scala’s Future represents a value, that might not be currently available, but will be at some point of time (if no error occurs). Current implementation is based on these design decisions:

  • eager evaluation - Future starts evaluating its value right after it’s defined
  • memoization - once the value is computed, it’s shared to anyone who asks for it, without being recalculated again

Unfortunately, this design can lead to some unexpected situations, mainly when some side effects happen inside the computation.

1.1 Breaks referential transparency

In general, referential transparency means that any expression can be replaced with its value without changing the program’s behaviour. Such expression (or function) must be pure, meaning that is has no side effect, because any side effect would break this condition. Let’s start with simple example:

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Random

val future = Future(println("hello"))
for {
    _ <- future
    _ <- future
    _ <- future
} yield ()
// hello

The above code prints the hello string once. According to referential transparency, if the future variable is replaced by the value, result should be the same:

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Random

for {
    _ <- Future(println("hello"))
    _ <- Future(println("hello"))
    _ <- Future(println("hello"))
} yield ()
// hello
// hello
// hello

Now the hello string is printed three times and this clearly breaks the referential transparency. Why is that? Because Future is eagerly evaluated and memoizes it’s value. That means that code inside Future is evaluated right after it’s defined, and it’s evaluated only once, remembering the computed value. And the eager evaluation leads to another problem…

1.2 ExecutionContext everywhere

Each Future needs to know where to execute itself, on which thread. This is why the ExecutionContext instance is required. In ideal world, it would be possible to define the Future value, perform some some transformations using map, flatMap, etc. and at the very end to call some kind of run method, which would run the entire chain using the given ExecutionContext.

Unfortunately, because of the eager nature of Future, the ExecutionContext is required as implicit parameter by any of the transformation or callback methods, such as map, flatMap, foreach and onComplete. It basically means that everywhere in your codebase where you work with Futures, you have to somehow propagate also the ExecutionContext, which quickly becomes really cumbersome.

1.3 Gotchas with for-comprehension

Sometimes it’s required to execute several independent Futures in parallel and combine their results into single value. Naive approach to this might be following:

import scala.concurrent.Future
import Thread.sleep

def longRunningJob1: Int = {sleep(800); 2}
def longRunningJob2: Int = {sleep(300); 4}
def longRunningJob3: Int = {sleep(900); 6}

for {
    a <- Future(longRunningJob1)
    b <- Future(longRunningJob2)
    c <- Future(longRunningJob3)
} yield a + b + c

Problem is that this code actually runs synchronously. Why is that? If you desugar the for-comprehension, the code looks like this:

  .flatMap(a => Future(longRunningJob2)
    .flatMap(b => Future(longRunningJob3)
      .map(c => a + b + c)))

And the flatMap method on Future is executed after its value is evaluated, this is also clearly stated in the method’s Scaladoc:

Creates a new future by applying a function to the successful result of this future, and returns the result of the function as the new future.

The workaround for this is to declare the Futures before merging them together, like this:

val futureA = Future(longRunningJob1)
val futureB = Future(longRunningJob2)
val futureC = Future(longRunningJob3)

for {
    a <- futureA
    b <- futureB
    c <- futureC
} yield a + b + c

This works beacuse of the eager evaluation nature of Future. The computation of values for fields futureA, futureB and futureC starts independently and before the for block is performed. The problem here is that the code behaves differently based on how it’s structured and programmer must be aware of this. If Future was lazily evaluated, both examples would behave the same.

2 Monix Task to the rescue

Monix is popular Scala library, providing various tools for composing asynchronous programs. One of the provided data types is Task, representing (possibly) asynchronous computation. Here is the overview of key architecture differences between Task and Future:

evaluation memoization
Future eager yes (forced)
Task lazy no (but can be enabled)

Using Task is very similar to using Future. Main difference is that instead of ExecutionContext, you need the Scheduler (which is basically just wrapper around it), but contrary to Future it’s required only when the value is evaluated.

import monix.eval.Task

// 1) define the task
val task1 = Task(println("hello"))

// 2) then run it
task1.runSyncUnsafe() // executes the task, synchronously (blocking operation)

Monix also provides fine grained control over how the Task will be executed. By using various implementations of Scheduler, you can choose where the Task will be executed (fixed thread pool, etc.) and using the various runXY methods, you can tell how the task will be executed (synchronously, asynchronously, with delay, etc). See the official documentation for more details.

Let’s check if using Task for same scenarios can solve the issues we had with Future.

2.1 Preserves referential transparency

As shown earlier, Future breaks rules of referential transparency, which might lead to some surprising errors, mainly if Future performs some side effects. Let’s compare it with Task.

import monix.eval.Task

val task = Task(println("hello"))
val result = for {
  _ <- task
  _ <- task
  _ <- task
} yield ()

// hello
// hello
// hello

The above code prints the string to console three times, because Task does not memoize the computed value, so each time it’s used its value is computed again. Let’s see what happens if we replace the task variable references by inlining the Task itself.

import monix.eval.Task

val result = for {
  _ <- Task(println("hello"))
  _ <- Task(println("hello"))
  _ <- Task(println("hello"))
} yield ()

// hello
// hello
// hello

Output is the same for both examples, which means that Task preserves referential transparency.

2.2 Scheduler needed only for evaluation

One of the ugly properties of Future is that methods used for value manipulation, such map and flatMap, requires implicit value of ExecutionContext to be in scope, so you need to propagate it through your codebase. Task requires Scheduler only for its execution using the runXY methods, so there’s no need to pollute your codebase with its instances.

2.3 Consistent behaviour with for-comprehension

Earlier we discussed that using multiple values of Future in for-comprehension might result in different execution, based on how the source code is structured. Let’s compare it with the same example, rewritten using the Task:

def longRunningJob1: Int = { sleep(800); println("executing job 1"); 2 }
def longRunningJob2: Int = { sleep(300); println("executing job 2"); 4 }
def longRunningJob3: Int = { sleep(900); println("executing job 3"); 6 }

val result = for {
  a <- Task(longRunningJob1)
  b <- Task(longRunningJob2)
  c <- Task(longRunningJob3)
} yield a + b + c


Written this way, these three Tasks are executed synchronously, because the for-comprehension is again desugared into flatMap calls and flatMap waits until the result of previous Task is computed. So far it’s pretty same to the Future. Let’s see what happens if the Task values are defined outside the for block:

val task1 = Task(longRunningJob1)
val task2 = Task(longRunningJob2)
val task3 = Task(longRunningJob3)

val result = for {
  a <- task1
  b <- task2
  c <- task3
} yield a + b + c


And, unlike Future, the result is the same, Tasks are again executed synchronously. This is because unlike Future, Task is always lazily evaluated so it really doesn’t matter where in the code you define it. If you want to execute multiple Task values in parallel, you have to explicitly do that on your own (see documentation about parallel processing).

3 Conclusion

As shown in simple examples in above article, the Future’s design (eager evaluation and memoization) can lead to some unexpected situations, mainly when combined with side effects. Monix Task is nice alternative that preserves some fundamental principles of functional programming, such as referential transparency, allows to write more clean codebase by reducing the need of ExecutionContext everywhere and provides more fine grained control over where and how it’s executed.